Alexia Arielle Jones

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Alexia Arielle Jones is a freshman Psychology major at Western Michigan University (WMU). Alexia grew up in Kalamazoo and graduated with high honors from Kalamazoo Central in 2014. As a high school student, Alexia was very active as a leader in her class and a member of the National Honor Society. From a very early age, she has believed in the importance of leadership, excellence and engagement.

As a WMU student, she continues to be active on campus and in the community. Some organizations she currently serves include: You Beautiful Black Woman (YBBW), Black Student Union (BSU), Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) and a “Big Sister” for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS). In addition to her current community engagement, Alexia has also served as an active volunteer and participate with Charlie’s P.L.A.C.E. Most notably, Alexia was a part of the winning double dutch team, at the Charlie’s PLACE LaCrone Park Classic Double Dutch Competition in August 2014.

After her graduation from WMU, Alexia plans to get a master’s degree in Behavioral Psychology followed by a Ph.D. She would like to move to New York City and work as a Behavior Analyst. As young, transformational leader, Alexia lives by this inspiration:

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot do something and do not let your environment determine your future. You can do whatever you put your mind to as long as you work for it. Nothing in life comes easy, your hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run. Surround yourself with people who are on the same path as you and strive for success. Always aim for success but do not be afraid of failure. Every successful person has failed once before but you have to take your failure(s) and turn them into lessons. Last but not least, no one knows everything so ask for help when you need it and get connected. Sometimes, it’s not what you know but who you know.

Charlie’s P.L.A.C.E. applauds this young leader as she continues to engage with her community and change the world, helping one person at a time!


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