Pre-College Readiness Workshops

Throughout the year Charlie’s P.L.A.C.E.  will be hosting a variety of college readiness workshops. These pre-college readiness workshops are designed for both youth and families. Parents are an essential part of a child’s educational development and success. Therefore we will offer workshops that target both the parent and the child in understanding the necessary steps to successfully get to and through college. It is our goal to provide basic knowledge on how to navigate the pre-college, and college process from all levels. In addition we hope to expose students to the various higher educational institutions in the area. It is never too early to begin thinking about the necessary steps, and we at Charlie’s P.L.A.C.E.  hope to be a bridge to key resources that will prepare individuals to be successful at all stages of life!  Below is a list of a few workshops we will have next fall. Please join our mailing list to stay updated on when these workshops will begin.

  • Pre-College 101 :Why Starting Early Is Important
  • Understanding the World of Higher Education
  • Pre-College Programming  
  • Pre-College Online Resources
  • Summer Bridge
  • My Role in College Readiness
  • Pre-College in the community
  • Pre-College in Higher Education
  • Navigating the College Process 

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